Monday, July 25, 2011

How to Stand Up for Something You Believe In

"If you don't stand up for what you believe in, who will?"


Standing up for what you believe in is one of the most important skills you'll need in life. People in life will always try to knock you down, but as long as you get back up, you're showing them that you can stand for what you believe in.

Stand Up for Something You Believe In


  1. You can do it if you believe you can.
     You can do it if you believe you can.
    Believe in Yourself. The first step to getting anyone to believe in you is believing in yourself.

  • Do not let yourself think negatively. If you want to stand up for a good cause, you need to believe that you can make a difference. The ones who don't make differences are the ones who don't think they can.
  • Know what you are capable of. Never have doubts in yourself. You are capable of anything as long as you believe you can do it.
  • Don't listen to others put you down. The only reason why people say that you can't do something is because they don't think that they themselves could do it. Prove them wrong. Don't cave in to their insults, and stand up for what you believe in.
Is this really what you want?

Make sure that you know what you believe in. Many people don't realize that they don't actually know what they believe in. Think it through-

 Is this really what you want?

  1. Do you really think this way? You may actually lie to yourself just so that you believe you are doing it for the right reasons. Only you can determine if you really believe in something, not a trend.

  2. Follow through. Don't start a petition, and then never hand it in. In order for people to really believe you are serious, you need to show them that you are dedicated. Leave no loose ends. Plan out any presentations, respond to arguments, and don't waste people's time. Why would you get everyone worked up about a show if you don't even have it planned? Don't get in an in depth conversation with someone discussing your thoughts just to no longer believe in what you did a few weeks later. Remember, you need to finish what you started.

  3. Get help if needed. Some jobs are just too large to accomplish on your own. Inform friends and family about what you're doing, and tell them to tell others. Another way of doing this is starting a petition.

  • Get help if needed.
  • Writing a letter or starting a petition greatly improves your chances of people believing in you.
  • Make sure that what you're doing is actually for a good cause.
  • When your talking to a person don't raise your voice UNLESS you HAVE to


  • Don't get too excited. Sometimes, things may not go as planned.
  • Make sure everything is planned out.
  • Follow through with what you want, or you might as well be wasting everyone's time.

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